Home / Progetti / Italy / BERGAMO MISSION



Our programme to support children and families in absolute poverty was born in 2020, due to the worsening conditions of marginality and vulnerability of fragile families during the COVID-19 pandemic. To cope with the emergency and to give children and young people the tools to build a new life project, we launched integrated interventions for children and adults in fragile conditions.

In 2020, we took action to help families in difficulty, with the help of the social services of the Municipality of Bergamo, trying to meet the basic needs.
Since 2020, in cooperation with the social services network of the Municipality of Bergamo, we have distributed about 74 tonnes of hygiene products donated by Colgate-Palmolive Italia, from the Anzio plant.

In collaboration with the supermarkets of Scanzorosciate municipality and Caritas First Listening Centre, we started solidarity shopping, distributing long-life foodstuffs to the value of over €2,000 to the most fragile families in Scanzorosciate.
And to support our activities in the area, other special initiatives were organised, such as the ‘La Mia Bergamo‘ T-shirt, and Christmas campaigns in collaboration with the Tresoldi Bakery and the Biava farm.



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