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Various projects to help the most fragile in India
The Covid-19 pandemic in India has seen us in the front line to bring help to the most fragile and unassisted by the state and to try to counter the spread of the virus. In India, more than 90,000 deaths have been attributed to the coronavirus. Worldwide, India is the second most affected country by the pandemic after the United States.
We intervened by distributing food, hygiene products and school materials. Through the creation of a “Covid Kit”, we have given hygiene products such as masks, soap, hand sanitiser and detergent to our children supported at a distance.
We contributed to the realisation of the projects “My food basket” and “Nutritional school garden” dedicated to the autonomous cultivation of organic products. We funded the purchase of agricultural tools to ensure safe access to food and self-production.
We financed the purchase and installation of water points for handwashing, to avoid overcrowding at the only sink in the entire school and ensure access to the safest and simplest measure to combat the pandemic.
At the same time, we went to rural villages to provide our children with dedicated lessons on proper personal hygiene and mask use.
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