Home / Progetti / Ukraine / LOMBARDY REGION PROJECT



On 24 February 2022, newspapers worldwide reported the outbreak of war.
Immediately after the conflict began, Missione Calcutta took part in the first emergency intervention to support the Ukrainian population, in the regions of Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Odessa. This initiative was financed by AICS – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

Together with FOCSIV – Federazione degli Organismi di Volontariato Internazionale di Ispirazione Cristiana (Federation of Non-Governmental Christian Organisations of International Voluntary Service) and other organisations in Italy, we joined forces to carry out a series of interventions in support of 9,000 displaced persons in the Ukrainian territories, as quickly as possible. These interventions ranged from psycho-social support, primarily aimed at children and adolescents, to assisting people with disabilities, and from the distribution of foodstuffs providing goods, services and hygiene material.

In September 2023, Mission Calcutta joined a new project funded by the Lombardy Region (E94D23002590002). Together with Terre des Hommes and the association AiBi – Amici dei Bambini (Children’s Friends), we will be engaged until December 2023 in the regions of Ivano-Frankivsk, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi and in the city of Kyiv. The activities will mainly involve children and adolescents, with psychosocial support for both displaced and resident adults and children. All will be complemented by training on resilience issues for pastoral workers, who are a point of reference for the communities and the provision of medical equipment to the St. Luke Clinic in Ivano-Frankivsk.



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