Home / Progetti / Ukraine / RAZOM Z UKRAINOIU



Project “Razom z Ukrainoiu: Emergency Initiative in Support of the Ukrainian Population”.

project code UKR/AID012600/16

Shortly after the outbreak of the conflict, Missione Calcutta Onlus actively intervened in Ukraine, in the regions of Ivano-Frankivsk, Černivci and Odessa.

Thanks to the funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), and in collaboration with FOCSIV (Federation of Non-Governmental Christian Organisations of International Voluntary Service) as the lead partner, and other entities in the national territory, we carry out interventions to support the internally displaced Ukrainian population.
In particular, Missione Calcutta provides humanitarian assistance to the population affected by the war, both in directly damaged areas and in neighbouring locations, through the provision of goods and services.

In addition to distributing food, hygiene, sanitation materials and all the necessary to cope with the harsh temperatures of the Ukrainian winter, the project also provides psycho-social support activities. These are aimed at all beneficiaries, especially women and children, who need a wide-ranging intervention due to trauma and vulnerability caused by the conflict. There are also recreational activities for pre-adolescents and adolescents and activities for people with disabilities.
The project involves 9000 beneficiaries, including: 450 minors, 4500 women, 3000 elderly of whom 900 people with disabilities.

The project is implemented in cooperation with:

  • IBO Italy
  • ARCS
  • Condivisione fra i Popoli (Sharing among Peoples)

The project is carried out in partnership with the following Ukrainian organisations:

  • Archdiocese of Ivano-Frankivsk
  • Dobri Liudi Bukovinu
  • Caritas-Spes-Odessa


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